The Swiss Graduate Program FoMICS "Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for Computer
Simulations in Science and Engineering" is pleased to announce a course for graduate/PhD
students in the fields of data analysis and probabilistic/statistical modeling:
FoMICS-DADSi Seminar on
Data science methods for Mapping food system
in African cities
Dr. Jac Davis
Jac Davis is a postdoc at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM). Jac coordinates the Food4Cities project, a study using data to predict changes in food systems in African cities. She completed her PhD in quantitative psychology at the University of Cambridge. She uses behavioural data science techniques to understand complex problems regarding humans' interactions with their environment.
As the urban population continues to grow, challenges in managing food supply - historically considered a rural problem - will increasingly be transferred to cities and towns. Responding to these challenges requires a new approach based on data. The Food4Cities project is developing geographically-explicit Bayesian network models to link city food systems with broader land systems and social changes. The project focuses on two case study cities in South Africa and Uganda. It integrates spatial data, survey data, official data, and expert knowledge into a practical planning tool to help African cities plan for population growth, hunger, and health.
Date & Location
12th February 12.30-13.30 Room PC04 - Blue Building (in the basement), Via Buffi 6
Antonietta Mira (USI-ICS)