The Swiss Graduate Program FoMICS "Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for Computer
Simulations in Science and Engineering" is pleased to announce a course for graduate/PhD
students in the fields of data analysis and probabilistic/statistical modeling:
FoMICS-DADSi Course on
ABC - Approximate Bayesian Computation
On 15th July in Lugano at USI from 10 am until 5.30 pm (with a lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00 pm with pizza offered to all participants)
USI-ICS will organize a short course (free of charge) on ABC - Approximate Bayesian Computation within the FOMICS / Dadsi activities.
SpeakersAntonietta Mira (USI)Louis Raynal (UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER)Anthony Ebert (USI).
TopicsABC basic principles and difficulties
Some strategies for the selection of summary statistics
Adjustment regression techniques
ABC importance sampling, ABC-PMC / ABC-SMCABC without summary statistics with application to queuing networks
ABC - Random Forest for model choice
ABC - Random Forest for parameter inferenceABC for inference in mechanistic model for network data-ABC for inference for spreading processes of epidemics and news on network structuresABCpy a python suite to run ABCPrerequisites:Knowledge on introductory probability and statistics is required.RoomPC004 Blue Building
ECTSUpon request, a certificate for the course can be provided.FeeFreeRegistrationTo register please sent an email to
VenueUniversità della Svizzera italiana
AccommodationParticipants are kindly requested to make their own arrangements for accomodatoions
Link to hotel map of Lugano