Simulations in Science and Engineering" is pleased to announce a winter school for graduate/PhD
students in the fields of modern mathematics and computer science:
FOMICS Winter School on Uncertainty Quantification
December 15-19, 2016 
The Institute of Computational Science (ICS) at the University of Lugano announces a combined winter school and workshop on Uncertainty Quantification from December 15th to 19th in Lugano, Switzerland.
The winter school is supported and organized by the Swiss Graduate School FOMICS - "Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering”, which is located at ICS.
Mark Girolami (Uni Warwick)
Helmut Harbrecht (Uni Basel)
Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis (TUM)
…and more during the workshop
Probabilistic numerics
Bayesian inverse problems
Riemann-manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo
PDEs with random data, coefficients, and domains
Multilevel quadrature
Design under uncertainty
Approximate models for UQ 
Thursday 15/12: Probabilistic numerics and Riemann-manifold MCMC
M. Girolami
Friday 16/12: Workshop
Saturday 17/12: PDEs with random data, coefficients, and domains
H. Harbrecht
Sunday 18/12: Workshop
Monday 19/12: Bayesian methods for UQ, inverse problems, and design
P.-S. Koutsourelakis

schedule red

Upon request, a certificate for the course can be provided.
School + workshop 120 CHF 
Only workshop 100 CHF 
(the fee includes lunches and coffee breaks)
To register, please click here:
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano.
A google maps link to USI is here.
A link on how to reach Lugano Campus is here.
Classes will take place in rooms 250 and 355 (main building) on Thursday and Friday (15-16th).
The morning of the last day (19th) will take place at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre CSCS (map).
UPDATE: Classes will take place in room A12 (red building) on Saturday and Sunday (17-18th).


Participants are kindly requested to make their own arrangements for accommodation.
Alessio Quaglino (USI-ICS)
Rolf Krause (USI-ICS)
Olaf Schenk (USI-ICS)
Antonietta Mira (USI-IDIDS)
Alessandro Lomi (USI-IDIDS)


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