Swiss Graduate Program FoMICS
“Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for
Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering”
The Institute of Computational Science also hosts the Swiss Graduate Programme FoMICS "Foundations of Mathematics and Informatics in Computational Science". FoMICS is an education network between Swiss Universities for training PhD students in Computational Science. It is based on the two key components mathematical modeling and high-level engineering of scientific software. FoMICS offers a curriculum comprised of foundations of mathematical models and algorithms, as well as on computing and simulation skills, which enables participating PhD students to develop tailored mathematical models and efficient software exploiting the capabilities of recent hardware environments, from local, specialized architectures to Swiss-wide large-scale HPC systems. The program is structured into both block-courses and workshops taught by leading Swiss and international experts in the field. FoMICS provides complete education throughout the participating institutions, provides and fosters networking opportunities between associated faculties and PhD students. Furthermore, FoMICS provides a program of short-term scholarships to facilitate PhD students’ mobility between participating centers and institutes.
Swiss Graduate Program DADSi
“Data Analytics and Data-driven Simulations”
The DADSI initiative aims at extending and complementing the FoMICS network established at USI since 2013. More precisely, the FoMICS activities consists of two pillars: (i) Learning the mathematical and technical fundamentals to exploit modern software and hardware architectures, and (ii) Being exposed to the current emerging topics, receiving specialized training directly by the scientists setting the new state-of-the-art trends in their respective fields. DADSI will augment the above pillars with a third one: (iii) Train computational and data scientists to use tools from, respectively, data and computational science. In particular, this will involve offering schools and workshops in the following fields:
Data analytics |
Computational statistics |
Advanced probabilistic models |
Machine learning |
Data assimilation |
Information retrieval |
Data visualization |
Social systems and social networks |
Uncertainty quantification |
Intelligent decision support systems |